Babies change things, and having two kids changes things not by a factor of two, but by an order of magnitude. Especially managing thing 1 while thing 2 is still an infant. My lovely wife was gracious enough to grant me two days per week for jiu jitsu. Tuesdays she does battle with the insidious foe that is bedtime by herself so that I can go train. Saturdays she allows me to sneak off to day class. I appreciate her efforts here, they are no small thing. Jiu Jitsu training has been going really well. I am not only becoming more able to do it at a pretty reasonable level, but I am starting to understand it more and more. My ability to decode situations and improvise has improved tremendously. It's becoming more and more fun to riff on themes and variations.
For a while I have felt like my grappling was incomplete. I have trained with some pretty exceptional judoka in my BJJ travels and have come to understand more and more that I just don't have very good judo. I have fair to middling wrestling which has its place. However, to truly be a complete and skilled grappler I need to incorporate judo into my skill set. Combine this with the fact that judo practice starts after the kid's bedtimes, and thus allows me to dad and grapple on the same days. In June I started going to Seattle Dojo twice a week to train judo. It's not fair to say that I'm terrible, but I feel like it most days. I am learning a metric ton. It is very humbling to go in and put on a white belt. To say "I don't know anything. Teach me." It is also hard to have grappling experience, to try to put something like judo in a known context without sounding like a know-it-all. I am trying very hard to be neither a sandbagger, nor a know-it-all. So far I think I am succeeding.
The cultural differences are significant, and interesting. Both Gracie Barra, and Seattle Dojo can trace their lineage directly to Mitsuyo Maeda. Both value ability and understanding, but judo is much more formal. Training harder, but far less often. I am hoping that by looking through these two divergent lenses I will get something akin to binocular vision into the original jiu jitsu.
In the gym I am lifting twice per week.
some corrective work, KB swings, Dips and chins.
work up to 405 for 5 drop down to 315 for 10
this is maintenance. I'm dropping weight, and I want to keep my strength.
Incline press/chest supported row
sets of 8-12
some sort of complex, or interval work.
warm-up (as above)
TRX single leg split squat (mobility, stability and strength work. big bang for your peso)
Clean and press:
some sets at 135
battle rope intervals.
The major points here are:
Keep my joints healthy.
Maintain my strength through the weight loss.
Don't tap too deep into my recovery.
Keep a training effect in both strength and hypertrophy.
I'm having pretty good success. There have been a couple times when minor dings from jiu jitsu or judo have forced me to do something a bit more remedial in the weight room, but sport training is primary. Weight room stuff is secondary. I have to keep that in mind.

I'd even let you go up to 30 IF:
You are not weak as veal.
You do not have an existing orthopedic injury.
You are not a generally aerobic athlete competing in an anaerobic sport. You are not substituting aerobic training for sport specific, strength, or anaerobic training. (I didn't lift this week, or go to jiu jitsu, but I ran 12 miles!.. FAIL)
All bets are off if you're an athlete in an endurance sport. There is no hope for you, may the FSM have mercy on your soul.
So my week looks like this:
Monday: Judo
Tuesday: BJJ, run
Wednesday: weights
Thursday: Judo
Friday: off
Saturday: BJJ
Sunday: weights.
for my sanity because my job is very static stationary and sedentary, I try to get at least 5 flights of stairs, and 50 push-ups during the day. Along with spending a good part of the day not sitting. That may be 1/2 kneeling, tall kneeling, or standing. I also go for walks with the kiddos and though friday is "off" we take the kids for a long walk and I end up carrying the grizzly for at least 2-4 blocks on my shoulders.
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