Friday after training Michelle brought over her PS3 and we played UFC: Undisputed. This game is a blast. It helps to know a bit about mma, but you can figure it out in time. The controls are very complicated. The stand-up is far easier to use than the grappling, but within a few fights we were grappling pretty well. Graphics are good, lots of detail on each fighter. Good fun.
Thursday afternoon training was simple:
10 burpees with 20lb ball slam rest 1 minute.
Friday training was a clinic on the hang clean, then 2 reps each in rotation for 20 minutes.
Light on conditioning, but if we can incorporate the oly lifts, that will open things up for more power output training.
Saturday we learned a very simple choke from mount that Roger Gracie used to great effect at Mundials this year.
Seen at the end of this video:
It's a cool choke, and one that I need to revisit.
I sparred a couple of times. The back held up, pretty well. Still a little sore in the afternoon.So I took the afternoon off.
Sunday got up and did a lot of stretching and mobility work. I watched the Cards get mowed down by Cliff Lee on ESPN. All in all a good weekend.
I don't even really follow JJ that closely - but that cat is crazy good at killing people with the basics.
Seriously, 9 matches, 9 submissions all by basic chokes from top mount.. AT WORLDS! Sick.
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