Last Monday night I went to class.. we did jiu-jutsu.. I worked with some of our competition guys on take downs. Mostly running drills and coaching. I got enough work in, but also let my back heal up a bit.
Tuesday was Cycle 3 week 1 military day:
Military press:
5 at 115
5 at 130
8 at 145
this was off of a pr, but my week 1 numbers are usually low.
1a dumbell rows
8 at 90
10 at bw + 25
3 rounds
face pulls x volume.
wednesday I did some light conditioning, and spent my last night in town with the wife.
Thursday was spent on an airplane. I got in to the STL and met up with some folks for dinner. It was a bit of a hodge podge of friends from different eras in my life, but they all knew each other.. sorta. I had some St. Louis style BBQ that was ok, and some toasted Ravioli which are always delicious.
I got to my parent's house around 11. Got to the front door and it was locked. I knocked.. no one answered. I decided to climb around the back and see if I could get in through the screened in porch. I had my backpack and a hanging bag with my sunday best in it. It was dark and I was traversing some landscaping that my folks just had put in (so I had no idea what I was tripping over) I managed to get around without breaking my neck or dropping my clothes in the mud. I did my best not to give my mom a heart at
Friday morning I got up at 4:30 (2:30 my time) and headed to train with CES. I brought 3 cups of the weakest coffee known to man (aka my mom's morning cup of joe).
Warmed up then Deads:
5 at 285
5 at 330
8 at 370 this was a couple reps off of a pr, but considering strange surroundings, travel, and no sleep I was in no way surprised.
Single leg squats to a box:
5/5 x 5
From there I showered and cleaned up and got 6 shots of espresso, and headed down to Bob Evans to meet my old man for breakfast. He's doing well. We drank coffee and talked for a good long time. It was great to see him.
I drove back into the city and bought some Redbirds gear at the mall.
I hit up Starbucks for 4 more shots, and dropped off my rental car. CES picked me up and we went to his house to hang out and to see his kids. We walk in and they are racked out on the couches in the living room. Passed out, dead to the world. I talked with Mrs. CES for a while, and then we picked Douglas and headed to Busch.
The game was great. Ankiel and Pujols made some great plays in the field. We had a chance to win in the 9th, but didn't pull it off. We lost, but it was close and I got to hang out with my brother (who met us at the ballpark) and my two oldest friends.
I went home and fell immediately asleep.
Saturday, was the wedding. I got up and had breakfast with Mom, step-dad, brother, and sister-in-law. It was fairly pleasent. I went for a bit of a swim, showered and put on my sunday goin-to-meetin clothes. Driving to the wedding it was 100+ outside. Humidity was over 80%. It sucked. The wedding was nice. Jake and his bride are very much in love, and positive happy people. It's fun to be around them. We took some pictures, and then went back to my parents house.
I took off my dress clothes and read and napped for a couple hours. We had some Imo's pizza for lunch (which if you're ever in the STL you must try). At 6:30 we headed to the reception. They were playing Sinatra, and I talked to some family before they climbed into the bottle for the evening. We had dinner. Since it was a wedding in St. Louis, Mostacholi was prominently featured.
After a while I'd reached saturation and went for a walk. It was a warm night, but far cooler than the day. I went to a pasture that adjoined the Knights of Columbus hall, and watched the fireflys flicker as a thunderhead rolled in. It was peaceful, beautiful, and one of the few things I miss about living down there. Once the storm rolled in the reception was history. I drove my folks home and we sat up for a while.
Sunday I got up early and headed home.
I am glad to be home.
Toasted ravioli? Yes! Imo's Pizza? No, no, no!
Angela, you just don't know. Imo's pizza may be the most delicious thing ever. I think they put crack in the sauce.
I'm all for the crispy, thin crust on Imo's pizza, but I don't like the substitution of provolone for mozzarella. It has a strange texture and taste.
Little known fact: you can request mozzarella at imo's, but personally I don't see any reason for that.
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