Monday, August 25, 2008

Swinging for the fences..

Hittin' not much.

Softball was fun. I played like.. well what I am: a reasonably fit, athletic guy who hasn't played organized ball since before puberty. I got to do something a little different and network with people here at work.. all of that was good. Playing 4 hours of softball and going 1-3 for the tourney.. not so great.

gave the new bike a spin and went to class. I was sleepy as hell. Damn near fell asleep on the mat at open mat.

Sunday: rest.

I had a very social weekend this weekend. Friday night softball, saturday night was dinner with the wife's pair partner and her husband, and sunday was dinner with the boss-in-law. I made ceviche... it was tasty.

All of those social events make the weekend seem far too short, and not very restful.
I am pooped.
I think I'm just a little dehydrated.
Oh and I left the friday guys with this workout:

A) push press: 90 or 135
B) squat
C) kb swing
D) erg

round 1
A) 10
B) 5
C) 10/10
D) 250M
2 min rest

Round 2
A) 5
B) 10
C) 20/20
D) 250M
1 min rest

Round 3
A) 5
B) 5
C) 20/20
D) 500m
3 min rest

Round 4
A) 5
B) 15
C) 10/10
D) 500M

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