Many moons ago I lived in a small college town In the Midwest. I spent 3 summers in said town. I had bills to pay and rugby to play during the school year, so I had to get jobs (yes, plural) during the summer, and I tended to live in pretty crappy housing, and never had conditioned air.
One evening I was coming home late from one of my jobs, covered in McSludge (tm) and weary. I came up the stair
Seeds of what.. who's to say.
I sigh again, stride forward and grab the broom out of my roommate's hand. I swat I take one Macwireian swing and swat our pudgy friend out the window, and slam it shut. I turn, and walk out. I hand the the broom back to my roommate as I pass, and head for the showers.
"Next time, guys, put the box fan in the window. It keeps the varmints out."
A BLOW GUN? Holy hell.
A former friend of mine likes to tell a story about how she went out of town and a raccoon came in through the cat flap to eat cat food in the basement, and somehow could not figure how to get out.
The computers were in the basement, and the raccoon pooed all over the cords and box below. She said the smell took weeks to leave!
Yeah, one of my roommates had a blow gun and a couple other weird weapons. I don't really know why.
Oh, that's no good. I can imagine that the cooling fan on the 'puter did a good job of making sure the stink filled up the whole room. bleh.
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