Friday, February 1, 2008

Friday friday friday!!

Today has been super-duper crazy. Spent lots of time this morning working on improving my quality of life.
More on that when there's something to tell.
last night's workout was good, but hurried.

Hairs cut:
all of them.

Complex w/ 95 lbs
romanian deads x10
snatch grip high pulls x10
cleans x5
hang snatches x5


1A DB bench:
This one is a Dan John favorite. Holding one dumbell and pressing it forces you to stabilize like crazy. This is also great for anyone who doesn't "get" how leg drive can power up a bench. Monster exercise.

1A Row:

That's all I had time for.
Good short one.

Great article over at Elitefts by fellow Chuckite Chad Aichs.
This guy will probably end up totalling over 2800lbs within the next year, an insane amount of weight, but he has problems, struggles, and lessons learned the same as every person who takes lifting heavy things seriously. It's humbling hearing someone who has accomplished so much be humble.

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