first the workout:
circuit 1 minute on 30 sec off.
"around the world" hold a plate in front of you like a steering wheel, bring it up over and around your head, change directions each time you get to the starting point. (35 lb plate)
kettelbell swings (44)
KB long cycle clean and jerk. (44)
sloshpipe squats.
"walkovers" feet on an exercise ball, walk your hands up and across a 6" platform.
kettlebell bear crawls bear crawl with an 18 lb kettlebell in each hand.
slosh pipe overhead hold for time:
Saturday BJJ: I had couple good rolls. I was a little rusty after taking a few days off because of being ill.
Saturday afternoon I went to the gym to spot the wife. She had a good squat workout, while she was finishing up I did Tabata clean and jerks @115.
10 rounds,
rest 3 minutes,
6 rounds
Saturday the wife and I put some Christmas movies on and made some tasty treats to give our friends and family for Christmas. It was a lot of fun. I'd tell you what I made, but that would spoil the surprise for some of you.
Today we went to the market, which is always a lot of fun in the winter. Most of the tourists are gone, and it's mostly just locals doing their shopping. We got 2 full bags of produce for less than $20. Got some clams and mussels, had a couple of piroshki for lunch, and a generally just enjoyed the day.
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